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Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

This tag is for questions about tag synonyms (how they work, who can create them, etc). To request a tag synonym, ask on the per-site meta with the tag [synonym-request].

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1 answer

Merging tag synonyms with main tag

I've been looking through the tag wiki recently, and found in pages 8-12, there are many tags which have no definitions. Most of them are tag synonyms, but can they instead be merged with the main ...
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1 answer

Tag Synonyms autocorrect

For extremely similar tags, like [gambit] and [gambits] or [opening] and [openings], can we make it so that one tag immediately autocorrects into the original one?
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Two tag questions

Here are two simple tag questions: Do we really do the tag white? I think we can get rid of it as it serves no current function. Should formation be a synonym of patterns? They seem very similar to ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Make [postal] a synonym of [correspondence-chess]

I'd like to propose that the new postal tag be marked as a synonym of correspondence-chess
Herb's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between the [problems] and [puzzles] tags?

Both the problems tag and the puzzles tag seem to have very similar definitions, with problems being a little broader - perhaps puzzles ought to be a subset of problems? problems A chess problem ...
Brandon_J's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Should the tag "Fischer" and the tag "Bobby-Fischer" be merged?

Here is the description of the tag "Fischer": Robert J. Fischer (1943-2008) was an American grandmaster and world chess champion. At the height of his skills (1972) he was peerless. He was known for ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Tag synonym request

I've noticed that new gm tag has been created. I'd like to propose it be marked as a synonym of grandmaster. I do not have the rep to make the change myself.
Herb's user avatar
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We don't need no [education]

At the moment we have the following tags from the topic field "education": teaching: 0 followers, 10 questions Questions about teaching chess, chess strategies etc. learning: 23 followers, 241 ...
TuringTux's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Should [computer-chess] be deleted?

The tag computer-chess has at the moment 4 followers and 29 questions. It seems to me as it could be easily replaced using engines (12 followers, 280 questions). Furthermore, engines has chess-...
TuringTux's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Tag synonym suggestions

I suggest the following synonyms: novelty → novelties simul → simultaneous
Dag Oskar Madsen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Synonymous tags: [correspondence-chess], [correspondence]

(Didn't find a dedicated thread for tag synonyms.) I suggest correspondence-chess as a a parent.
Dag Oskar Madsen's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Tags "replayer" and "pgn-viewer"

Should these two tags from the meta site: replayer and pgn-viewer be synonimized?
ajax333221's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

tags: chess-computers vs chess-engines?

I think people are more familiarized with the nonexistent chess-engines than with chess-computers. I propose to alias them up, and maybe use chess-engines as master tag.
ajax333221's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Possibly synonymous tags: [wcc], [world-champions], [championship]

The tags wcc, world-champions, and championship have such major overlap in scope that I think we should merge them down to one or two tags. Obviously championship can be merged into world-champions, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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