I noticed quite frequently already, that answers that I consider very good and where I (or others) have put in a lot of effort and research are not (only) rewarded by upvotes by their quality but by a far more important factor: question popularity.
One of my answers with the most upvotes was on a question with 23k views. While I did research and think the answer is good, I feel that I have given better answers already with significantly fewer upvotes.
Not only when a question is closed people do not open (and vote on) a question, but also for example when the question is about an opening many people don't play. Sometimes, people read and even modify questions and answers without voting at all, even if the answers or questions are good, constructive, or helpful. Why is that? Am I "too generous" with giving upvotes to each answer I consider to contain new, constructive, and helpful material?
I feel that there is a massive disproportion of upvotes on answers to popular questions vs. quality answers to less popular questions. This is an incentive to amplify this effect, at it might not be considered worthwhile to open and answer a question that is expected not to be viewed frequently enough.
Is this a problem for this Stack Exchange - and would some questions get (more) answers if people were "more generous" with upvotes on good answers to "unpopular" questions ?