A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
The accepted answer is the answer the question owner thought best met their needs. This tag is for discussing issues related to accepted answers, not indicating that a question has an accepted answer.
to be used for the official Stack Exchange application only. The application is available in the Google Play store, for Android 4.1 and up. When posti…
for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.
for questions specifically about the process of asking questions on a Stack Exchange site.
Awarded to encourage and incentivize positive community actions within the site.
are usually related to how things work on the site and how the site responds to various user actions.
For questions about the public or private beta phase of a site's progress through the Area 51 site creation process.
for questions about the favorite question feature - indicated by the star under the voting arrows on a question. For questions about favorite tags, use (favorite-tags) instead.
For questions about the bounty system, which allows users to spend some of their reputation in order to draw more attention to a question.
Real time, stateful web chat that's a part of every Stack Exchange site.
General questions about questions that have been closed because they are off-topic or otherwise do not meet the criteria defined in the FAQ.
for instructions and guidance on closing or migrating questions, and the reasons for those closures.
Discussions of the Code of Conduct (CoC), the replacement/revision of the Be Nice policy.
Comments are small addenda to each question or answer, intentionally limited in size and formatting and intended to prompt clarifying edits.
Questions related to "community wiki", a flag that can be applied to answers (and sometimes questions) which lowers the barrier for editing and prevents any rep gain/loss from voting.
about the quarterly creative commons data dumps of all public data in the Stack Exchange network Q&A sites.
For questions about the functionalities, queries, databases and datamodel of The Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). SEDE allows you to create and run queries against copies of the databases of popul…
refers to all questions deleted from Stack Exchange sites. You can also use this tag along with [specific-question] and [meta] to ask why a specific question on Meta Stack Exchange was delete…
for questions regarding the design of the Stack Exchange websites; e.g., for issues with the layout.
Questions specific to down-votes, the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Down-votes on meta site have different meanings.
For questions about the process of editing, how edits work, and other general inquiries about the edit system.
Elections are held to choose moderators for all graduated sites and some long-term beta sites.
Etiquette is the norms and standards of accepted behavior and politeness in our community. The golden rule is "Think before you post."
referring to the process of identifying and closing questions that are duplicates of another question.
For questions about the flagging process, how flags are handled, etc. If you have a question about chat flags, use [chat-flags] instead.
Markdown is a lightweight, plain-text, markup language. It is used across the entire Stack Exchange network for post formatting (Questions, answers, wikis, chat).
For questions about the process of a beta site (which Chess used to be before August 2019) to a full-grown member of the Stack Exchange network.
HTML links, generally those created within the network on questions, answers, or the site itself.
"Favorite tags" are a set of tags that can be marked by a user. The questions that have favorite tags will be highlighted, and can be monitored using Tag Sets.