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8 votes

Is there a "sandbox" for Chess.SE?

No, like most sites in the network we don't have one. On most Stack Exchange sites, it's pretty straightforward to ask a decent question; there's plenty of guidance in the Help Center. On Code Golf, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 25k
5 votes

Whether or not images instead of FEN/PGN are allowed

Sometimes, additional information in images can be helpful, e.g. to indicate which piece made the last move. It's difficult to convey that information with the replayer (I guess Black's last move was ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

Should different tag be used for questions that are essentially the same but with different move orders?

In general to decide on the name of the opening used, you start at the end of the game and then work backwards; the first position with a well-recognized name is the one you use. So unless your ...
RemcoGerlich's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it best practice to update one's own question or to ask a new one?

If you are asking about different players then please ask a new question, particularly since the previous question is almost 2 years old and it would make existing answers look incomplete.
Brian Towers's user avatar
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4 votes

Is my question unclear?

People are just trying to explain you that your question is of no importance at all. Since, seen the context you're given, most answerers assume your kid's intentions is to become a better chess ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any expectation to provide your own research when asking a question?

IMHO this puzzle illustrates a nice endgame technique (similar to the famous Réti endgame study) and is therefore a valuable read for the average Chess Stack Exchange reader. There's nothing wrong ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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2 votes

Asking advice for cheating or exploiting loopholes in chess rules

Should such questions, asking advice about possible ways to cheat, be allowed? Absolutely! Should people be free to downvote them if they want? Absolutely! Let me just add a few comments. 1) This ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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2 votes

Is my question unclear?

Don't worry about it. I don't think the question is unclear, but people sometimes try to be helpful by answering what they think you should have asked instead. :-) People sometimes disagree with ...
itub's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I create my own question template under a permissive license to allow people to copy/paste it at will?

As the initial close voter, I agree that an open source template would is an excellent idea. Here is a quick sketch. In this position, why/what is x move/sequence/etc. (details)? diagram I ask this ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
1 vote

Is it okay to ask time-dependent questions?

Generally, questions like that are indeed accepted. They are not inherently useless, as they may provide valuable data for a researcher later on. There may be a caveat though if the question is to ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
1 vote

Should different tag be used for questions that are essentially the same but with different move orders?

Essentially such a question would be about a certain position, which can be reached as a variation of multiple different openings. In such a case I see no harm in tagging it with more than one ...
hkBst's user avatar
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