As long as we keep our question rate at ~2 per day, this site won't be successful. We need many more. We (people who read this) should probably ask more questions, not just answer them.
But what kind of question can we ask? There are only so many rules questions to ask (although it might be a good idea to mine old Arbiter's Notebook questions from ChessCafe to see if we can do better at answering them), and many other questions are subjective / hard to give a definitive answer to.
We could go for more high-level, hard chess content. More questions like What are the key ideas for white in the Keres Attack (Sicilian Scheveningen)?, or especially a recent question that had a position and asked how black could equalize in it (part of opening research). I can't find that question, perhaps it was deleted, but it noted itself that it was unlikely to be answered -- the reason why is clear, it would actually be hard work for a strong player to find a good answer.
Another idea I have is to do a series of questions on basic endgames -- start with basic mates, then K+p v K, working up. So that if someone has an endgame question that boils down to a drawn K+Q v K+c-pawn-on-the-seventh endgame, we can point to a question/answer where it is explained why that is a draw.
Another is to think of famous positions / moves (e.g., Shirov's ...Bh3 in the endgame) and ask why exactly is that the best move.
And so on. We need to ask more! More ideas?
evaluate my game position
? Well it could go wrong, for example few days ago I wanted to post a game that I played recently, to see how black could defend his position, but I discovered that I made a mini blunder that would allow black to be just fine, I rather analyze my games on engine so I don't look stupid here :) and if we keep posting positions where blunders are obvious then the quality of the question would be bad