Questions tagged [answers]

This tag is for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.

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-7 votes
1 answer

Question is about Kramnik Topalov how come there's an answer in general?

How do Kramnik and Topalov indicate a resignation when they play together? The question: Which raises the question - how do they go about resigning when playing each other without creating confusion ...
2 votes
2 answers

(UPDATE: Yes or cunningham's law) Joke answers allowed? Seriously?

No, what you did is what is known as a gambit. You offered your opponent material (in this case a water bottle), which he accepted. This would be considered a blunder on his part, since although it ...
1 vote
1 answer

What should be done about users who answer too much?

Sometimes a user may post too many answers, or “absurd” amount sometimes, relatively speaking. But if said user does it on a daily basis? A few of them may be good, but the vast majority of their ...
3 votes
1 answer

“Best response” questions and answers from database analysis

I’ve noticed that when there’s a question about “the best response” to some move in an opening, answerers will often cite a database of master-level games and respond with the top scoring responses in ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to safely contribute answers?

Recently, a question I answered was "protected" because it was attracting spam and low grade activity. I'm older and don't use the Internet that much so I may be a bit ignorant regarding these ...