This question* asks how to avoid detection when a human player uses an engine to gain advantage against another human. What's the community consensus as to whether such questions are allowed or should be banned?
(Sorry if this has already been discussed. I did a search and - surprising to me - didn't find a previous meta discussion specific to this topic.)
*Since the question has been deleted, it won't be available to everyone. Here is its text:
Of course cheating is wrong and should be discouraged. But I think it's worth talking about scenarios like this.
Let's say a GM had unlimited access to engine analysis in all subsequent tournaments and wanted to do somewhat better than he would by playing ethically. What strategy for choosing the moves would avoid a guilty verdict from cheat detection? What would that look like?
If someone were to plan on cheating, they'd have to be dumb not to cover their bases i.e. in case they get suspected and the team or Ken Regan is called up to look over the games.